This is my neocities site where I publish my writings. I have M. Sc. in physics but I'm interested in a lot of things. I like to write short essays or studies about a variety of subjects such as history, natural sciences and politics. I also write short stories which may or may not contain elements of horror. My native language is Finnish though I often write in English. In the future, I would like to write in Swedish and French as well.
Here you can find links to my writings. Reading has been my hobby about a decade now. During this time, I have read hundreds of books. However, I have also had a keen interest in writing as well but since it is much harder to write than it is to read my bibliography has stayed rather limited.
Most of my written work up-to-date has been fictional. Of course, I have produced some major works during my studies but these will not be published here as I wish to keep things somewhat anonymous.